Best Summer Treats for Teeth
Are you looking for delicious treats that will still make you a star at your dentist office? Taking care of your teeth doesn’t mean eating boring foods and never indulging in anything delicious. You can be cautious and care for your oral health, while still partaking in great foods and drinks at your next summer gathering or relaxing by the pool. Stay cool, soak up the waning days of summer, and maintain a healthy smile.
Start with Nutrients
Let’s start with your well-being. Your oral health is directly connected to your overall health. Look for summer treats that incorporate nutritious ingredients. Summer is a great time for fresh fruits, such as strawberries, blueberries, peaches, apricots, and more. When you’re choosing a treat at a party or creating a dessert, look for lots of fresh fruit that pack a nutrient punch. Keep in mind that dark fruits, eaten in abundance, can stain your teeth over the long term. If that’s a concern, you may want to choose lighter colored fruits or be sure to brush your teeth soon after consuming.
Slow Down the Sugar
Some of the worst foods for your teeth involve copious amounts of sugar. Sugar that lingers on your and around your teeth can be a breeding ground for bacteria. Removing that sugar, through brushing, flossing and rinsing, can be a good reaction. But avoiding sugar is a wise step. Look for low sugar or no sugar options.
Sugar substitutes for baking or drinks such as lemonade can help you avoid excess sugar while indulging in summer treats. If you are trying to avoid sugar, you can look for low calorie options, such as ice creams or popsicles. Often the lack of sugar, by use of a sugar substitute addition, is what allows for fewer calories.
Skip the Sour
With summer comes lemonade stands and pitchers full of the seasonal favorite. But lemonade can be a one-two punch of oral health problems – sugar and acid. Acidic drinks are some of the worst for your teeth. Not only does the sugar create a problem, but the acid can assist in the wearing down of your enamel. Explore low acid, low sugar drinks such as iced green tea during warm months.
Cold Sensitivities
Once you find just the right low sugar ice cream or no sugar slushie treat, you will want to enjoy it all summer long. And may long after. But teeth sensitivities are a real issue for many. If cold sensitivity is keeping you from indulging in a great summer treat, check out Dr. Timm’s favorite products, which includes a sensitivity toothpaste recommendation.
Whether you are careful to enjoy summer treats that are healthy for you and gentle on your teeth, or you decide to go all in and savor your sugary, seasonal favorites, a regularly scheduled visit to your dentist office is always smart. She can help you keep your teeth strong and clean – and can help you make smart snacking decisions moving forward.
If you have any questions for us, or need to make an appointment at our dentist office, you can call us or contact us anytime.